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Tuesday, March 30

SeRoNoKnYeR BeRkELAh!!!!!

Fuhhh..... akhirnye jadi gak aktiviti kitorang g berkelah kat Sungai Congkak. Walaupun kurang mendapat sambutan, tapi bagi mereka yang hadir pada hari kejadian, memang happening giler ah!!! Thanx GuYz!
Sowy ah capang aku lambat sampai mase korg tunggu aku kat umah ko... hehe..  Kitorang bertolak jam 10 lebih.. sampai ade la dalam 30 min. Aku, Capang, Kucai n Fit Buaye yang mule2 sampai kat congkak... Yang lain dtg lambat siket.. So Capang memulekan tugasnye menghidupkan api.. Lame gak la api nak hidup.. Tanah n arang yang lame kat situ basah.. Naseb bek ade bawak arang sendiri... hehe... Aku? Tgk je la.. Jadi Mandor.. Hehe... Aku lom mahir lagi nak idup kan api.. So aku kemas2 la brg2 lain ngan Kucai. Wat air laici... naseb bek sedap.. huhu.....
Berpeluh2 aku ngan Kucai kat sane tunggu api idup... hehe.. tak la... sejukk... sangat aman.. mase kitorang sampai kat sane, ade group2 lain yang wat camping.. tapi port kitorang kat corner.... cantekk!!  Lepas Capang dah success menghidupkan api, make, aku la plak kene keje lebih siket.... aku kene hiris daging la... hahaha!!! Cam aku pernah wat je an? Ape lagi, kat sini la aku blaja.. Thanx to Capang!!!

Dah lame siket baru la dak2 lain sampai..... tolong bakar,, tolong makan!!!  Nyam!! Nyam!! Tolong makan memang ramai la.... haha...

Dah kenyang sume biase la.. g mandi sungai la.. pe lagi... sejukkkkkk!!!!!!!! Tapi aku tak mandi la.. mandi kaki je.. hikhik... Asyriq marah aku tak turun mandi... sbenanye aku mmg nak mandi.... tapi aku terlupe plak nak bawak baju salin la... hehe..... Sowy Asyriq!!! Aku rendam kaki je la.. kalo tak turun langsung, abeh aku kene siram ngan asyriq nnt.... tak mo la..... hehe....

Ni je la wanita2 yang hadir tok memeriahkan aktiviti... memang meriah pun!!! havoc seh!!!!

Ni antare lelakiz yang dah lame tak jumpe sungai.... dorang yang terlebih gembire dok mandi berendam lame2..... Lantok kome le.....

Dah puas mandi... sume lapo... masing2 melantak.. abeh gak la ape yang kitorg bawak... bagus!!!
Dibot dengan garangnye berdiri kat belakang.. nape ntah... Tapi yang pastinye... sume kekenyangan and tak kering gusi melayan lawak Capang.. Caya la Bro!! Jadi je!!

Sunday, March 7

JuSt MaRrIeD....

Hmm.. Lamenye tak update blog aku...

     0400 hr.... still early for you, him, her, them, the whole world....... but for me... every time at hospital is an adventure and pulsy moment...... Yesterday, around this time, i felt so sleepy (working night shift).. I thought wanna have a nap for a few minutes.... Well... for about 10 minutes, it was so relaxing..... Suddenly....

~ an authorized music was played....

"Code Blue! Code Blue! ICU!"
"Code Blue! Code Blue! ICU!"...

     Man!! ICU will not call for code blue unless they were busy or shortage of staff... ( usually they will not announce code blue for ICU )..... When the bored sound was heard, I straight away heading to ICU...
The minute i stepped in ICU, I saw 6 patients was on ventilator, few patients for dialysis, 3 patients post cardiac surgery, 1 neonate, 2 patients post Thoracotomy..... My God!!! ICU was damn busy mann!!!! No wonder they activated code blue...

     Then I went straight to bed no 8. A young man.. 27 years old, was end up with Pulmonary Effusion, Ascitis, Pneumothorax.....and etc.... Just undergone Thoracotomy.... The patient was collapsed. BP unrecordable. CPR started. ECG also not recordable... i touched his hand.. so cold and clammy.... and the minuted i saw his hand... he got 'Inai' at his fingernails.... fresh 'Inai'.... and i heard them....

"He just married 3 weeks ago..."

    Ya, ALLAH!!! I was shocked!! Adrenaline given 8 ampoules, Sodium Bicarb 2 bottles, Dopamin started, but BP was not pickup... maintaining around 40/30 mmHg.... they make him alive till family members arrive.... 

      I am so grateful that me n my hubby still alive and having a great time together.. but what will happen if me, or he get in to this kind of situation....? What will happen to us?.... 

~ May ALLAh give him bless to all mankind~